Stop in for a cup of coffee

guy left me a 4 star review today cause i do great work... but i talk too fast... ******.... rather have no review than a 4 star.. now i'm at 4.9 avg
Gide coat is the best. Thought you were using it from the start.
no... thought i didn't need it... turns out my fingers can't tell high from low for **** :) fender no longer feels like a bag of walnuts.. I'm gonna redo the quarters over winter.. 1 color and shiny is good enough for now
They need to do it like Uber, Rover or AirBnB and you get to rate the customer...
yeah.. guy didn't use a real name so i don't know who it was even.. no biggy.. better than a 1.. my only 1 stars are that i'm an asshole.. but do good work. i'm ok with that :)
Dinner is a fast roast beef sandwich with tomato soup. Soup I add sour cream, garlic and onion powder and for sure pepper.

tomato soup is one of my favorite things.. i get the progresso basil/tomato.. that and a grilled cheese is pretty much my favorite meal
Soup and Sammy....

Of course, everyone knows that the ultimate compliment to tomato soup is grilled cheese.
buttered right to the very edges with a perfect golden brown all the way around... i don't cut mine though..i tear in pieces and dunk
Let's see
What shall I BBQ to put in as leftovers? Has to have sausage of some variety, linguicia I think. Tri Tip? Chicken? Pig parts? Maybe I add some grilled grass, never done that before.
The water pump job is done, messaged with bill total, havent heard back yet. Odd. Even discounted labour.
Late to post supper plans. I took the mower and trailer back to Andy's and picked a few tomatoes. Not much on the vines this year. The deer have been nibbling on the plants but there are a few reds and yellows and some cherry tomatoes I will get tomorrow. What to do with fresh tomatoes? BLT's of course. Pics to follow.