Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone. Was awake at 430. Went back to bed. Should have stayed up, way more tired now. I hate that
Yeah, if i wake up after 4 i stay up now.. if i fall back asleep for even 30 minutes i'm fucked, almost like i go no sleep at all
Plumber/gas line modification and dryer install today. It won't be bad.
******* insane man.... I want a Hemi soo bad.. but will never justify that cost when i can make a small block or a 400 do all i need.
Well the gov covid test that they sent out to everyone… yeah false positive. Three swabs this morning at the dr, all three negative , negative for strep. Just a common cold
My wife chuckled when I put on my issued gas mask. Figured what the hell, I’ve slept in it before, why not again
Last time I saw a “issued” gas mask it was in a pile behind our hooch with all the other abandoned masks in the middle of a desert somewhere. There may have been some side panels in the pile as well.
Ok, this turned out pretty good. I need to rewrite the recipe for the baking times and procedures though. The potatoes need more than 20 min. The shrimp 15 and the sausage about 10 min. uncovered. It's a timing thing. The ingredients and spices were good .

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You might try pre baking the potatoes in microwave for two minutes then put your dish together. Let’s everything get done at same time!
Last time I saw a “issued” gas mask it was in a pile behind our hooch with all the other abandoned masks in the middle of a desert somewhere. There may have been some side panels in the pile as well.
I hated going MOPP 4 in the desert. Lots of people falling out.

@Sublime one North Dakota State sure gave Colorado hell last night, great game and I thought they were going to pull it off. Pretty good QB Cam Miller, 4 yards short of TD on last pass of game
Yep it was a heartbreaker. But when you are a FCS team from Fargo playing a Big 12 team on National TV and have the lead going into the locker room at 1/2 time it sure was discouraging to listen to the talking heads focus on Coach Prime and what an outstanding QB his son is. And their pro style offense and all the dignitaries on the side lines. I am thinking to myself as Fargo quietly goes to the Locker room well why ain’t you dominating if you are so good? Colorado squeaked it out but I bet they are thinking to themselves we dodged a bullet!
A old friend of mine from the ship just sent me one of these in brass out of nowhere. Had a broken hinge, got to love Zippo send it to them comes back like new!

Mine is sitting on the bottom of Noyack bay when I was teaching the kid to sail, and he did a bad turn downwind and flipped the sunfish. Pretty funny actually.