Stop in for a cup of coffee

THat's a dandy. It can cancel cylinders for chasing down engine misses.
Yup next best tool to a scope. Talking of that scored a weird book on flea bay the other day has a bunch of odd scope patterns in it.

Happy Birthday Fred !! You're only as old as you feel. Quit feeling yourself then !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :poke: :rofl: :rofl:

@Frodee Happy Birthday! Have a good day!
Hope the starter bolts are correct, think i will just put it back the way it was. Just the fact its milling the flywheel is what bugs me, and i will likely have to replace it. Need this buggy gone.
Yea should be fine. Just remember the term encapsulated just means it seals off any air or moisture from getting in and letting the rust continue it eating the metal. If it doesn't seal off properly then it's a problem.
Don't really think your car is going to be in a lot of salt or water so don't see it rusting away too fast.
My 66 dart had that covering the trunk. Kept it from rusting but damn tough to remove..
Good morning. Dr approved for Simone in El Cajon. About hour away... 8am approved. So we're out of here