Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, if the weather has the same influence that it has on the Donut Derelicts, that car show just up the street today may be disappointing. I can't see the brush country just across the road for the fog :BangHead: .
Whoo my son started at LT/TE and had two huge blocks that sprung a 80 yard TD run and another that sprung a 45 yard TD run. Then he played FS and had 1 tackle for a loss and one TD saving tackle.

He’s 62 pounds….

Took a little trip over to the river to see the progress on the removal of the lower water dam. Yikes they fubared this badly.

Back story: the government decided they wanted to remove their “low water dam” that’s been in the river since Indiana became a state… locals were concerned that it’s removal would destroy the water levels and navigation ability of the white river.

We were told not a problem, it’ll only drop the water level 2-3 feet…

Well they’ve only removed 1/3rd of the dam so far, here’s the water level today. Prior to removal, the water level was about half way between the bottom of the bridge and the concrete bolster.

Just last week, we were magnet fishing and the water level in this very spot was 14 feet deep. Today, I just walked across the river and the water never got over my rubber boots…

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Dams were built for a reason
:eek: And they created this for what purpose? Concrete aggregate mining access perhaps?
The dam was in place for the water company and before that, it was a grist mill site. DNR claimed the dam was causing negative environmental impacts by preventing fish from traveling up river
The dam was in place for the water company and before that, it was a grist mill site. DNR claimed the dam was causing negative environmental impacts by preventing fish from traveling up river
I read the other day a similar operation was underway up north. I guess the Steelhead were tired of looking at the same river banks and wanted to travel.

:lol: River I grew up with. Once every 5 or 6 years it got wet. Dirt bike riding was disrupted for 2 or 3 weeks :BangHead::lol:
Well the house smells like Bacon. Just waiting for the pressure cookers to cool down to drain the tatters and mix it and done!
Well the house smells like Bacon. Just waiting for the pressure cookers to cool down to drain the tatters and mix it and done!
Potaoto salad with bacon? What's not to like there. Good thing I read this on my smellphone so I could enjoy the aroma from here! :thumbsup: :rofl:
The dam was in place for the water company and before that, it was a grist mill site. DNR claimed the dam was causing negative environmental impacts by preventing fish from traveling up river
and being a conspiracy theorist, "they" are moving the water away from where it is needed to somewhere that "they" can control/sell/use to "their" own advantage.
(my wife dislikes my ideas...but she seems to be getting more of them)
and being a conspiracy theorist, "they" are moving the water away from where it is needed to somewhere that "they" can control/sell/use to "their" own advantage.
(my wife dislikes my ideas...but she seems to be getting more of them)
I wasn’t gonna go there but that was my thinking as well
since water flows downhill, how much will end up in Mexico? seems they are a bit behind in sending water back to the US. they give us people, we give them water in exchange?
He who controls the spice is me at our house! I been working on this crock for two days. I just pulled the meat this morning. I know folks don’t make this kind of meal anymore but we can eat on this for days. Cheap roast, some taters onions carrots and celery, plus spices and a chunk of gnarly bread or cheese and boom you got a whole bunch of yummy!

He who controls the spice is me at our house! I been working on this crock for two days. I just pulled the meat this morning. I know folks don’t make this kind of meal anymore but we can eat on this for days. Cheap roast, some taters onions carrots and celery, plus spices and a chunk of gnarly bread or cheese and boom you got a whole bunch of yummy!

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A whole pot of comfort food there.
He who controls the spice is me at our house! I been working on this crock for two days. I just pulled the meat this morning. I know folks don’t make this kind of meal anymore but we can eat on this for days. Cheap roast, some taters onions carrots and celery, plus spices and a chunk of gnarly bread or cheese and boom you got a whole bunch of yummy!

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I make roast at least a couple times a month in the winter. The leftovers are delish and the beef makes great sandwiches the 3rd day. Don't forget the horseradish.