Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here if you wear a turbin you don't need a helmet!

Gots the good SNELL sticker on it
My firewall is blocking That may tell you something about the content. :poke: :poke: :rofl:
Well my noble, proud, regal, German Shepard pup, representing years of breeding for the optimal dog has been hanging out with Jodi. The pup (not Jodi) now responds to Miss Wiggle Butt!

Their teeth are sharp no matter what their name is. I was bit by a German shepherd when I was 8. The name Miss Wiggly butt doesn’t make them any less intimidating to me.:eek:
But may be not good news. Or correct news. Or true news. I just tried to get there in Google search and same thing. It must be bad JuJu.

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Points of data to process. Even the stupid stuff.

It bugs me when websites won't let me access when my VPN is running. SOooooo... ya wanna know where I am do you??