So, today was an interesting day here in Saigon. Been back here 2 days now. She already had four people living in her small house. Her middle Son and his girlfriend who is also Lynda's assistant, Lynda's youngest son (10), and herself. 2 weeks ago, the wife of the oldest son with a 4-month-old baby came down here to stay because they lived in an outlying area with her parents, where medical assistance for the infant was not optimal. The oldest Son of Lynda and the baby's Father is in Russia working. So now there are six people living in this small, what I would call a two-bedroom apartment. 3 days ago, somebody that she knows is moving from Saigon to Vung Tau called her and wanted to sell a refrigerator that is only 2 years old. The refrigerator here on site is very small, and probably 10 years old. They only wanted 300 bucks for a 2-Year-Old refrigerator which was over $1,200 new here in Vietnam. Since I've been here and seen how little space there is in the old refrigerator, I told her I would buy the used one so she could have more space in it for food and what not. So today we went to look at it. She said it was close by. kkkkk But I rode her on the motorbike almost to the center of the city of Saigon which I have never done before in person. Was quite a trip. My first time in a sea of motorbikes. So when we get there, we find out that it's on the 5th floor of a walk-up step apartment project. So obviously we walk up five flights of steps to check out the used refrigerator. Checks out pretty good to me. Looks nice. So my next question was, who in the F is going to bring this thing down five flights to the street and deliver it to our house? There were four little Vietnamese guys there that said they would do it. So I checked it over really good before we left knowing that I would have to look at it really close again after it got to her house. So it got here about an hour ago and looks like nobody dropped it, no big dents, or damage that I could detect. Man, I'm tired !!!
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