Stop in for a cup of coffee

two weeks straight of wrenching... I'll be in the garage - see ya when I gotta poop time? LOL
yep. have had some friends cars with issues. Been wrenching on them some. Got them fixed. Brakes and stuff.
I just finished editing the video of my daughter's 5th grade Variety Show comedy skit. I built the set, my wife made the costumes and my daughter did the choreography. She's the 3rd one from the left in the video...

Cool, got a "wow/that's cute" from my daughter. Just watched on phone, but bookmarked so I can find again to view on computer.
Well, now I'm seriously pissed off. My neighbor where I'm trying to sell my other house just lowered their listing to $15k under mine after starting at $10k over just 3 weeks ago.

I'm screwed now. I can't drop that far without paying someone to take the house. Fark!
Well, now I'm seriously pissed off. My neighbor where I'm trying to sell my other house just lowered their listing to $15k under mine after starting at $10k over just 3 weeks ago.

I'm screwed now. I can't drop that far without paying someone to take the house. Fark!

Take it off the market for a bit.
First haul from the garden thus far.... barely scratched the surface

Well, now I'm seriously pissed off. My neighbor where I'm trying to sell my other house just lowered their listing to $15k under mine after starting at $10k over just 3 weeks ago.

I'm screwed now. I can't drop that far without paying someone to take the house. Fark!

If you see anyone looking, just mention to the person near you, "I don't know if I would be comfortable living in there after the murder...." Loud enough for "others" to hear....
great looking harvest. On another note, Hemi Denny's will take care of you guys. I hope to see you at his huge tent.

Thanks. A few were a little green yet but had fallen off the vine so I gathered them up too.

I've got 44 tomatoe plants, 12 bell pepper plants , 12 banna pepper plants and 32 rows of sweet corn..... and a huge patch of green beans. It's gonna be a busy couple weeks
Take it off the market for a bit.
I think I'm just going to rent it out. I can make $150/mo over cost and let it simmer for a year or two before listing it again. By then the principle on the loan will drop by another $3500-7000 too.

It actually makes a good investment property for rental. I just really didn't want to have another one in addition to my Memphis house that I rent out. Oh well, maybe it will turn out to be a silver lining by the time I retire...*sigh*
Thanks. A few were a little green yet but had fallen off the vine so I gathered them up too.

I've got 44 tomatoe plants, 12 bell pepper plants , 12 banna pepper plants and 32 rows of sweet corn..... and a huge patch of green beans. It's gonna be a busy couple weeks
What's the big dark green one in the middle? Zucchini or giant cucumber?
If you see anyone looking, just mention to the person near you, "I don't know if I would be comfortable living in there after the murder...." Loud enough for "others" to hear....
LOL! I think I will draw a chalk outline in their driveway too...maybe some yellow 'crime scene' tape remnants in the trees and tied to the front porch railings.

IDK, is a large blood red paint stain on their front side walk next to the chalk outline too much? :D

This reminds me a while back outside of Atlanta one fall day a male deer followed a lady into the Kroger supermarket. How embarrassing for her. The local news showed the security video. The buck tore up the produce department and the little cafeteria area before a good ole boy duct taped it's legs.