Stop in for a cup of coffee

I like to take a fresh zucchini, slice it into little slivers and let it sit on my plate beside a cheeseburger and some fries. Then throw it out when I'm finished eating the good food..
I like to take a fresh zucchini, slice it into little slivers and let it sit on my plate beside a cheeseburger and some fries. Then throw it out when I'm finished eating the good food..

I gotta find a good recipie for those still....
Hey that phone number is from the area my Mom lived in nearby me. The people that had that number, had to change it. Wonder Why ???

I hear that it's blocked out in every area code now because of the song...

But it would be a real money maker as a phone sex line....
Do Not Post eMail addresses or phone numbers in posts

Funny how that just showed up above the message box
Morning coffee Club, little sore this morning, I think I took a long step and stretched a ,,, back muscle yesterday morning, better stay home and pamper it and stay cool
I didn't unload and return that trailer until noon yesterday. I returned it and told em , no way was I payin for Sun-Mon.