Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mr. Memi ....are you still a moderator??
Ah !!!! yea,,,, Staff member means Moderator ...

spelling it out -- eight six seven five or hyt@ comcast dot net - is an Ebay trick to get around the bots that will flag your item if you try put such info in your ad - I have seen that here too - - doesn't change much - we can all read
Hope you take the time to report them , @Rainy Day Auto helps us a bunch by reporting them Mike
never really crossed my mind - but I will - 'cause as we all know - even with the new "warning" - ya can't fix stupid and people will still do it...
I reported a bunch yesterday which may have helped the message mr. Joey put in place.

They don't dare make me a mod because i will bust evil doers down like the police.

Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do when rainy comes for you.

Then there will be moderator brutality complainants
so we had a second front go through here last night - cleared out the humidity and it is NICE out!! light breeze, high around 80-85 today - just awesome
The hottest week of the year is here this week, 97 to 100 REAL degrees here in Northeast Arkansas :wtf: No rain in site enjoy that good weather Mike Mike and all around yea :thumbsup:
Its been triple digits here like all month.

I dont like when it rains because the intense hear is making some violent storms. The wind kicks up and hail and lots of cloud to ground lightning. Then an hour later it is clear again with birds chirping and all. Lol