Redfish, Halibut, walleye, the grouper basket at the City Seafood Co. in Everglade City!! We love all fish, heck, even Nella eats fish sticks!!!
boy...i like that rani. I have no idea what the color is but that is sharp!
this is going to be a familiar face to one of the regular posters in this thread ......what I really want to know is what color this is.
I suspect that my coronet was originally this color and dang....picking a color is a tough decision
That would look great on the wagon with new wood grain in my opinion! I have no idea if the wood is a decal or paint.
Good morning all. 1st cup down, just heading to work. NOT in a good mood...6 month old TV went for a **** on Saturday. So missed UFC...and we all know what Sunday is....We bought extended warranty so everythings good right?? NOPE, getting a huge run around. Here is a link I found to the "nervous repair company" Enjoy the reviews...LOL