Hey folks,
The thread insert went in practically effortlessly. It helps to have a really good power drill. It took me much longer to carry all the crap I needed out to the driveway - and back in again - than the actual work took. Feels kinda odd to have that experience for a change. Ususally the ten minute jobs turn into two day cursing fests.
Then I mowed the (two weeks over due) lawn. Took probably three times longer than normal and I used up one and a half tank of gas. Good thing our Husqvarna mulcher practically turns the clippings into a paste that the worms chew up in a couple of days. Makes mowing seven inches of fat September grass less of a pain.
Then I decided to take a nap in the basement. No luck, two five year-olds kept jumping on one foot directly overhead ... So now I'm up.
I got this crazy idea while mowing the lawn (great time for contemplation). Should I go 440 in my '66? Like full crazy power, a 10 second car?