Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gyro plate special at Mickey's today. Half price pizza at Fox's Pub!!! My favorite girl is at Hooters today!!

Woo hoo!!!!
What I do not miss are the every body into each others business, the 8K taxes, the regulations, the traffic cops, and the police state NYC turned into.
My sisters still up there. 12g's in property off your mortgage and still have $1000 monthly thanks
We had a house right on the water on Noyack bay and my dad was going to give it to my Brother, Sister and I. Taxes 25k! Would have been nice but my sister made a stink about it and wanted us to buy her out for crazy money and still be able to use it, so my dad sold it and went on a year long around the world trip! Good for him.
Or a wife that's nursing. LOL

It wasn't a pleasant experience.. Our daughter left some similac in a plastic container for the gran baby.......... We keep the back up powdered creamer in the same style container. Nobody told me. lt was one of those wtf moments. Lol
Stalker, checked out the schedule egh?

I went to school with her back in the day. She's still gorgeous. After seeing her working there, I started noticing what day she worked, so I could see her and try to get to know her better. (I was too shy back then to talk to her, but she was always my favorite.)
Morning all. ER afternoon whatever hopes its been a good one so far and abetter one the rest of the day. Went to Rocklahoma for the weekend I think I grew some gills and got some webbing between my toes 4" of rain Saturday night.. Anyways thought I would stop in say hi.
Morning all. ER afternoon whatever hopes its been a good one so far and abetter one the rest of the day. Went to Rocklahoma for the weekend I think I grew some gills and got some webbing between my toes 4" of rain Saturday night.. Anyways thought I would stop in say hi.

Howdy, CD. How is old 'homa these days? Still think about going back to visit....
Goes good, George. Oldest granddaughter graduated from high school over the weekend. Where does the time go?

Just got my youngest son graduated last week also... :cheers:

(You must be waaay older than me, since it was your granddaughter vs my youngest son...) :poke:

Congrats on the grad! :prayer:
Called up my ISP. they reset my modem remotely, and now I'm lightning fast...
Graduating was the weirdest thing I have ever done in my life. I feel so strange now that I don't have any more classes, no more deadlines, no more homework, no more driving to the university every morning and trying to beat everyone to my favorite parking spot.

Yea change stinks ....I want to go back to school.