Stop in for a cup of coffee

I ran into someone I haven't seen in 15 years today at CVS (Judy) - her sister was there and we were talking and she was telling me that Judy had suffered a stroke about 2 years ago and didn't remember things from "before" - well Judy came out and about flipped when she saw me --"MIKEY!!!!" - I cannot tell how friggin' good that felt... made my day for sure! :)

That's awesome Mike, made her day too I'm sure.
That's awesome Mike, made her day too I'm sure.
Thank you! I sure hope so! I asked her to say hi to the Mr 1/2 - Whitey - he was one of "those" guys during that time.. I imagine I wouldn't have stayed working where I am if it hadn't been for him... pulled my *** out of a couple of slings...
Good morning George, 17 degrees this morning !! should start getting back to the norm by tomorrow
The frost looks realy cool. Not the white even coated stuff....long clear crystals (1/4" maybe) like someone sprinkled glass.
I borrowed some metal folding chairs from work, they are inside my truck... bet them suckers are damn cold, should be fun to bring them back this morning..