Stop in for a cup of coffee

Keith how much did you get looks like 6-8 here and it is still snowing, The great PA blizzard of 2017!
Can't be more than a few inches. And, its so wet it is settled down to a slushy mess. If it had been a few degrees colder there would be a lot more.
yes, works ok as long as it is under a foot after that have to pretty much scoop it out.
any of you close guys have a JD lawn tractor and need a plow for it? Never use it any more.
It is longer than that to the gas station, Had 34 each way when I was working and one light! Easy drive as long as the one road was open if it closed 67 ea way. Only happened once.
Ok, I am back, we went from 70 to ta 28 degree's this morning :wtf::wtf::wtf: so I am sure we all know I pussed out and came back in, drove the wife to her car this morning.. I wanted her to drive my GMC home last night (Had a Beer Buzz) so she drove :steering: Our friend new we was on our way so he started her car to warm it up for a warm drive into work :thumbsup:
6 miles!? childs play - try 26!! multiple moron covered areas...
Oh I realize 6 miles is nothing, there are only 4 major intersections and it takes 15-20 min to go that 6 miles. And if my timing is off by as much as 5 minutes, then I'm dealing with the Air base, Jr. High and High School traffic. Nothing like dealing with young Morons :steering:
I try to remember my indestructible younger years when dealing with them...Still grinds my gears though..
Hops !! did you get everything dun yesterday ? get everything in the shop ? was it a tight fit ?
Yep, believe it or not can prob get one more car in there, It is big 42x40 wall to wall. Just a lot of clutter.