Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah.. It was like 85-90 in Vietnam for a month...Then I come home to 30 deg here...Brutal !!!
I hear ya. We got on a plane in Toronto a few Februaries ago in like, zero, windy weather and got off it in Puerta la Cruz Venezuela a few hours later, and that 100+ bone-dry heat smacked us in the puss like the hot kiss on the end of a wet fist. Then 2 weeks later, to get on a plane back to Canada and launch out into that fuh-reegin' fur-reezing weather again: Oy vey is right. But all our zits cleared up.
It needs to be DaimlerChrysler MS 9769 Approved. According to AZ, it meets the spec. and should be fine. Based on the spec description, it is the same as the Zerex G-05.
Dave, where did you find that it is approved? I don't see that anywhere. What I do see on their site is that Dexcool meets MS-9769 (even though they show it is an OAT not a HOAT), but I see warnings all over to avoid it like the plague. So not considering it, just makes me question the rest of their info. I plan to use the Zerex G-05 and not mess with it
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well, seems it's my turn with whatever the hell is going around... mostly just a head cold, but I've got a good cough to go with it... joy
What he has a Toyota???
Like ewwww
he is trying to sell it, but yep, he do
Everyone knows a real American sexy man will drive either a Dodge or ford pickup like a cowboy.

A Chevy if he is a bit iffy.

A Toyota is a good fit in a Starbucks parking lot
not yet, another guy coming tonight from 2 hours away..... guessing this might be the one. 2 want to come Sat. and one Sun