Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yum... Started the day off with bacon eggs and grits.. got some catfish hush puppies and coleslaw lined up for lunch... and all day to figure out what to do for dinner...
And the winner is.....
Chili dogs with cheese and onions and jalapeños.. and some Fritos brand corn chips..

And of course some bourbon!...
And the winner is.....
Chili dogs with cheese and onions and jalapeños.. and some Fritos brand corn chips..

And of course some bourbon!...
Sounds incendiary...and explosive!

That's the kind of meal that tastes awesome going down and reports back later!
Just relaxing Mike. I had a very productive day. Thats a nice change from the past few weeks.

I got the neighbors snow blower back together and running for him.. I even added oil. LOL

Then worked on the Scamp. New wiper pivot seals are in.. I didnt even have the water seals that mount against the cowl.. Probably why it was leaking.

Are you feeling better yet?
Just relaxing Mike. I had a very productive day. Thats a nice change from the past few weeks.

I got the neighbors snow blower back together and running for him.. I even added oil. LOL

Then worked on the Scamp. New wiper pivot seals are in.. I didnt even have the water seals that mount against the cowl.. Probably why it was leaking.

Are you feeling better yet?
yes siree - not quite 100% yet - but a lot better thanks! how's that foot?