Stop in for a cup of coffee

I thought - eh, no biggie, I'll figure out what is leaking and fix it - been there, done that. Well, it turned out it was leaking at the front seal where the Milodon oil pan wasn't put on correctly - that was the first time I had to pull the engine...
got the oil pan figured out but I still had an oil leak - valve covers as it turned out, but at the time I pulled the engine (the 2nd time) I didn't realize that. And as you know I decided to put a lower stall TC in it too.. really really hoping/expecting to see Lebanon Valley this season!!!
Thanks for thinking of me!! We did get slammed ... no trees on the shop this time thank God -- once was enough!! -- but it wiped out a couple on the east side of the house. One took out the sodium vapor light, bent the power pole some and dropped the line a few feet so I expect I'll have repairmen in the yard later on.
Be safe out there everybody!!

March 1 2017 storm damage 001.JPG
March 1 2017 storm damage 002.JPG
March 1 2017 storm damage 003.JPG
hey Leanna, glad to see you survived the Twister real life version too

anyone else think its somewhat fitting to have this severe weather out break the week Bill Paxton died, the man from the movie who inspired a ton of storm chasers?
nearly an hour without a post - what the heck!!! where's Dave with his daily "one job" post??
i know right.

so get this, on March 2nd, 2012, Henryville, IN got hit with an E4 that was over 1 mile wide and bordered on the limit of becoming an EF5, 15 minutes later, an EF3 that was 3 mph short of becoming another EF4 took the same exact path.

This morning, the same exact town, on almost the same exat path, got nailed with at least an EF2, 5 years to the DAY of the monster.