Stop in for a cup of coffee

So something good did come of that swap meet yesterday, got to meet and talk with the Owner/Editor of Mopar's Collector's Guide for a bit. Pretty cool guy. Rob was pretty interested in that Dragmaster's story. I was gonna dig into it myself, write blog but I just dont have the time and that story needs to be out to the masses.
Put about 80 miles on my barracuda this weekend. In for tires and alignment this morning.
I'm jealous, we had a beautiful day yesterday, really made me want to get my dart done even more.....
Hey... I'm back...Welcome, all newcomers to the Shop this morning.
Ehhh...I been bouncin around the Interweb, fixin Food and what not...Just moved out to the shop..Been talkin over Viber with some friends..Anybody else use Viber...No Pun Intended LOL
Hey all.... please pass the coffee down here.....
Yeah... It's basically an app that people in third word countries, or world travelers use to communicate inexpensively.
I've been using it to communicate with a Poor Family Relative of my buddy Alex. They want me to help them learn English, so they can better their lives ...I may actually be helping support them financially in a small way each month..:thumbsup:
Then today ... An old Paster from my Church called me on Viber, to shoot the breeze. He was in China..
Have Linex in my Jeep Comanche and my 92 Ram....Tough Stuff for sure..