Stop in for a cup of coffee

Seven hours for me, doing everything I can to shake this muck I have, rain and snow mix is heading my way at 38 degrees, 48 for the high.
I have to stay positive :popcorn: but I must admit I am so ready for more warm weather, we have had a great winter this year here on the hill :p.
Good morning :D
Good morning Mike, I hope your day is a smooth no drama day. How much longer will it be to be out of the tool business ?
Seven hours for me, doing everything I can to shake this muck I have, rain and snow mix is heading my way at 38 degrees, 48 for the high.
I have to stay positive :popcorn: but I must admit I am so ready for more warm weather, we have had a great winter this year here on the hill :p.
Good morning :D

I'm in the second stage with the cough but I'm not suffering as much....

The snow already started here, but it's not that deep yet...

NOAA is saying that the people in the lake effect area may get as much as 2" per hour later today.... They re not giving any total numbers....
How is the weather there at your place @krazykuda ?

We have a little bit on the ground right now... Maybe about an inch so far... It doesn't seem to be falling too fast yet, but may increase today... Supposed to keep snowing all day until this afternoon...

Chicago is used to getting snow, so as long as the snow plows are out, they can get the roads clear in reasonable time unless we get blizzard conditions.... It should be clear for me to get to work this evening...
Seven hours for me, doing everything I can to shake this muck I have, rain and snow mix is heading my way at 38 degrees, 48 for the high.
I have to stay positive :popcorn: but I must admit I am so ready for more warm weather, we have had a great winter this year here on the hill :p.
Good morning :D

I've been doing garlic and tumeric for the last three days to help get this cold under control... I made some chicken with noodles and alfredo sauce two nights ago with lots of garlic and tumeric in the sauce... I have a bowl when I need a boost for my immune system... It's helping, I'm feeling a little better as of yesterday, I don't have the scratchy throat, but the mucus has set in, now I have to get it all out...
NOAA radio is saying that it may snow through tomorrow and tonight may get some lake effect after 7 pm to midnight.... :BangHead:

My drive home after work may be fun.... :steering:
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