Stop in for a cup of coffee

man - sure as **** on that one!! had it happen to me a few weeks ago - little awning I put over a side window on my breezeway - right over where the water bib is. Sure as hell, I go out there to put some extra water in the hot tub and while I am screwing the hose onto the spigot... varroof... down comes the GD snow and it went RIGHT down my back inside my coat!! :wtf: really!!??? :BangHead: :lol:

That's funny right there... :rofl:

I don't care who you are.... :mob:
I was laughing - what the hell else ya gonna do!??

A few choice words would work in that situation...

son of a *****.jpg
Just got back to the shop from driving to the store.. Lots of limbs down here, what with all the heavy Ice. Especially Pine trees. Looks like a War Zone...
Ride was an adventure. Roads are all ice. Off course the power stayed on I have a backup generator. Every time the wind blew power failure. Get a back up system never needed it. Money well spent.
Don't have any idea how to clean driveway. Can't shovel it only have the one arm to use and even if I could try the snowblower I doubt it would do anything.
That was fun. Reminded me why I love the AWD Magnum.
Just got to work. Roads are a mess! No trees, but they did not keep things clear and now the few inches of snow pack s starting to break up. :steering: