Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ray... Why don't you get some of them guys that used to work for you to move that Snow...
Ray... Why don't you get some of them guys that used to work for you to move that Snow...

One actually called. Said He can come up tomorrow with help.
I just hate asking for help. The kid that crashed us in pinkie is away or I know he would have already been here.
The Sun just broke out here... Now I hear all the Ice falling off the Trees....
hell no - I have driven in worse... me be going home!
To clear snow and work harder than you did all day...:poke:
I'm home again. It's still snowing, but I'm gonna run the blower for the last time on the drive and it can do what it wants after that.:icon_fU:
Man it sucks out the tractor got stuck three time, twice the neighbor pulled me out the third F it. Deal with it tomorrow, I have at least 2 1/2 feet so far and drifts to 4. This one filled the back of the Tikey truck and has a mound staring in the bed. Electric is good so far...we will see.
To clear snow and work harder than you did all day...:poke:
I'm home again. It's still snowing, but I'm gonna run the blower for the last time on the drive and it can do what it wants after that.:icon_fU:
I had a Blower...But she Quit....
I had a Blower...But she Quit....
Man it sucks out the tractor got stuck three time, twice the neighbor pulled me out the third F it. Deal with it tomorrow, I have at least 2 1/2 feet so far and drifts to 4. This one filled the back of the Tikey truck and has a mound staring in the bed. Electric is good so far...we will see.

Just ignore it. In a few months it will go away by itself.
A retired guy sits around the house all day, so, one day his wife says, "Joe, you could do something useful like vacuum the house once a week".

The guy gives it a moment's thought and says:
"Sure, why not. Where's the vacuum?"

Half an hour later, Joe walks into the kitchen to get some coffee. His wife says, "I didn't hear the vacuum running. I thought you were going to use it."

Exasperated, Joe answers, "The stupid thing is broken. It won't start. We need to buy a new one."

"Really", she says, "Show me - It worked fine the last time I used it".
So, he showed her.... Click here
ok, this thread moves way too quick ...I cant find where we talking about modifying the HF sand blast gun for more volume .

I am sandblasting today and its the worst time ever because it is just not performing and its not working out like I would like ......dang it