Stop in for a cup of coffee

I still have two of them - one in the garage and one down in the basement... can't for the life of me come up with the brand names.. (I blame old drugs)

I still have my back-up toshiba 50 watt with the balanced tuning knob... You can flick it and it will keep going on it's own across the dial...
I still have my JVC RX-500B, but it needs some repair...

.003% total harmonic distortion at 110 watts x 4 speakers....

They could hear me across campus at college... I used to take requests from friends to play when they had classes in the engineering building in the summer - no A/C and they used to open the windows... My dorm was right across from the Engineering building...
JVC made some GREAT amps. I have one as well, Ax-R450
Hey I was watching a movie last night, never knew Darwin Australia got bombed by the Japanese in WWII, in feb 1942 really as bad as pearl harbor. "The Bombing of Darwin", pretty good documentary it was totally covered up.
right - big weighted wheel mounted flat - - heavy "throw wheel" - mines not a Toshiba though

Top picture has the JVC RX-500B on the bottom, the Toshiba in the middle and JVC tape deck on top...

Next picture is my current working stereo and VHS players in the living room now...

DSC03824 b.jpg

DSC03826 b2.jpg
we have one yet that works, i had to tape 3 pennies to the tip of the arm to get it to work though
please install disc 3 - - zzzzzzzzz - please install disc 4 - - zzzzzzz - ~~~~~~ please install disc 9 zzzzzzz *hink* - - install has failed, please reboot and try again!!! MOTHER - - :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

Yeah, and don't get the discs mixed up and try to load in the wrong order.... :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: :icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU: