Stop in for a cup of coffee

Don't touch the stuff less I can put it a gun on stuff I can carry to the garage. cabinets , shutters, patio furniture, etc.
this is one thing i am glad my wife likes to do, she likes to paint and does so well. so im not allowed to lol
this is one thing i am glad my wife likes to do, she likes to paint and does so well. so im not allowed to lol
My girl does the painting , I just move the ladder around, and fill the paint tray. My hands don't do so good anymore with fine work like a brush, dropsies and shakey.
My girl does the painting , I just move the ladder around, and fill the paint tray. My hands don't do so good anymore with fine work like a brush, dropsies and shakey.
my hands never worked that steady lol
The ever amusing saga of driveway clearing in my neighborhood continues!
This guy is attempting to clear the end of his driveway using a baseball bat to beat on the mountain of snow/ice and then kicking through it with his feet!

Snow bat.jpg
Tracking number says the seats are on the way to Kansas .....getting closer and closer. YAY!!!

From kansas it shouldnt be long because they will go from Kansas to Denver on I 70 and then come to mama LOL

Its going to be cool once they are bolted in the car and i can get a feel for what the final product will be like.
He disappeared for about an hour and came back with a small snow blower. It ran for about 10 mins before it ran out of gas (I heard it run out). Now he's trying to figure out why it isn't running...

Snow bat 1.jpg
Well, he finally figured out it needed gas and another guy came over to help him get it finished. They quit a few mins ago feeling satisfied that it's done.

Wait until he tries to drive a car through the part he cleared. It's about 18" too narrow to fit a car through...LOL!

Snow bat 2a.jpg
Well, he finally figured out it needed gas and another guy came over to help him get it finished. They quit a few mins ago feeling satisfied that it's done.

Wait until he tries to drive a car through the part he cleared. It's about 18" too narrow to fit a car through...LOL!

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what? no high fives and pats on the back?
You just can't make this kind of stuff up! LOL!

No wonder my neighbors watch in amazement when I open the hood on one of my cars and do something simple like changing spark plugs.
You just can't make this kind of stuff up! LOL!

No wonder my neighbors watch in amazement when I open the hood on one of my cars and do something simple like changing spark plugs.
One of the like 32 on a hemi
what? no high fives and pats on the back?
I wish I could have gotten a pic of them finishing. My wife was watching and said they shook hands and waved at each other as they went back into their houses. When she started laughing out loud, I came back into the room and took that last shot.