Stop in for a cup of coffee


Well so much for working on the Duster this weekend. Someone turned up the heat! Was in the 90's in the garage yesterday and weather looks to be warmer today.
80's and rain? Don't envy you guys on that side of the country. Not a fan of the heat. Just going to go for a walk/hike this morning and see how it goes from there.
How you doing, we missed ya!

I'm hanging in there...

finally saw a specialist a week and a half ago and got a permanent cast on it... Another appt this Thur and he may take the cast off and use a splint - hoping for the best...

My fingers were getting too stiff with the first splint my being too immobile, my cast now only goes to the first knuckle in the two fingers by the thumb, with the last two fingers and thumb free... I need to keep them moving so they don't loose ane range of motion... I can't completely straighten my fingers all the way, but can get them mostly straight - maybe 10% more to go...

Doctor says he can fix it if the bones aren't aligned, but can't fix any lost mobility, so keeping the fingers moving to keep my range of motion is most important right now. So I try to flex them as straight as I can, then try to close them as far as I can to stretch them out and try to get some of the lost movement back... Sometimes I get a really tight feeling that hurts when I do that, but I'm trying to push myself to minimize any loss in movement...

If they get too stiff, sorta like "living rigormortis", it may be permanent... :BangHead:
Well so much for working on the Duster this weekend. Someone turned up the heat! Was in the 90's in the garage yesterday and weather looks to be warmer today.

Might hit 80 here possibly.

We've been great in the high 60's - low 70's the last week... Just right, a little cool and not too hot... :D

Finally got a two day dry spell so I could cut the lawn... It takes 1 1/2 days or more for the rain to dry so I can cut, otherwise some parts get too muddy... :soapbox:

And you Cali members give us a hard time about the cold during the winter, but we don't get as hot as you guys in the summer... We can get in the 90's in middle of summer, but rarely get over 100° F...

So who's the beyotch now??? :poke:
We did get the kid's 71 Valiant started a week ago...

But we lost the gear detents in the trans and can't get it in park. need to get a trans guy to look at it if I can find a good local guy... We have to jack up the rear tires to run it, and I don't want the wheels spinning during the cam break in. or revving it... Don't want the wheels spinning too fast in free state...
I'll cut a path into the bamboo and have my own little fort. Will you bring beer to the tent or do I need to go to the shop for it? LMAO

My friend in Battle Creek has some friends that pitched a nice large tent in their back yard a few summers ago and lived in that for the summer... He calls them "The Rabble-Rousers"...

They made it real nice with some carpet, couch, love seat, coffee table, end table. and ran extension cord from the house for a couple of lamps and fans.. They used lap tops for movies & surfing the web...

It was pretty cozy... Like an out door living room...