Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just finished reworking my GTS image with the new slots...

69 GTS Wall small.jpg
Knew you would be......
Hows it hanging?
Ok, I guess. My BIL is still in the hospital (where he needs to be) and it is keeping him out of our hair. Otherwise it's a slow lazy weekend with the weather being crappy. I feel a bit lost and unable to concentrate, probably because all the plans I had got fubar and I didn't really want to start any new projects. It was all I could do to make myself focus on thinking about how the garage should be laid out.
Its always something. Weather here was.....Great! Again....Been rewiring my 69 Dart. It was a hidden mess. Still has issues with charging circuit. Charging over 15 volts. Saw post about how to trbl shoot it. Tomorrow...
30 pages behind. Screw it.

Just had a 4-day weekend. Nice weather and all. Now it's work again and we've have some much needed rain and some more is coming. Sweden is actually having the worst drought in a long, long time. Climate change, I suppose. Good thing solar prices is approaching zero and hydrogen drive trains for vehicles are coming closer to full market penetration!

I brought my welder and some profile steel stock to the summer house to fab up a new oil barrel barbecue but all I managed to accomplish was forgetting my welding helmet there. And I got new tungsten electrodes and all. I guess I can use my old Oxy/Acetylene goggles in a pinch.

I've got a box of NOS stuff and some starter parts coming in any day now. We'll see where that goes.

Have a good one, everyone!
NO GO on the goggles as substitute.
Not the same on uv protection as well as you will look funny with a sunburned face.
Hey Chris!

Not much is up, Ray. Took a short day at 'work' today. Need to save up some energy for this afternoons summer get-together at the kindergarten. Meeting a lot of people is taxing on me.
Anything that could go wrong yesterday did, the wife gave a second shot of insulin to the cat because my son did it already in the am she was freaked out all day, the cat is fine. Then everything in the shop I touched was real difficult, then the dist tester smoked literally, burned something out in it thinking a capacitor went, just name it and it happened.
Anything that could go wrong yesterday did, the wife gave a second shot of insulin to the cat because my son did it already in the am she was freaked out all day, the cat is fine. Then everything in the shop I touched was real difficult, then the dist tester smoked literally, burned something out in it thinking a capacitor went, just name it and it happened.
Umm, that sucks.
So, todays gotta be better then?

Good Morning
Hope so I have to look at the tester today, figures I have a bunch ready to test! Car looks great by the way.
Anything that could go wrong yesterday did, the wife gave a second shot of insulin to the cat because my son did it already in the am she was freaked out all day, the cat is fine. Then everything in the shop I touched was real difficult, then the dist tester smoked literally, burned something out in it thinking a capacitor went, just name it and it happened.

That sucks....
Wait what?!? Why insulin for a cat?!