Stop in for a cup of coffee

4" when I got them, only bought 10, same on the sunnies and 2 lbs of minnows, still do not know if the pond will stay full, so far so good.
Dang, just lost the cursor and touchpad on my laptop. It all works in safe mode though. Time to call my oldest son.
That's what I do or a nephew @toolmanmike , Good morning coffee crew :popcorn: Stormy weekend so far here on the hill :BangHead:, I think we are good to go for the rest of it now :thumbsup:
Well time to Fill the belly.

Morning all, sunny day here today cold and rain yesterday. Need to get some things done on my coupe. Then I need to get the Barracuda out from it's winter slumber, for Mopars on the mountain next weekend.
I know race cars do it as a redundancy but why for a street car?!?
The 64 dollar question. The coil is under the dash as well. Which I think is cool. Im thinking the under dash module failed and it was too hard to get to so a new one was installed under the hood. AND it was hard to get out.
Good morning, Memorial Day Sunday. I see you guys have various plans for enjoying the day. We are open, a couple guys with families were able to be off because it is not that busy. Really today is not for fancy-restaurant-going. The crows woke me up so early this morning but then they took their squawking elsewhere.

It is strange how by chance certain people will end up seated with me. Last night a couple came in from Atlanta, wife was beautiful, a couple years younger than me, we realized we partied at the same bar/dance club in the mid-'80's. Since you just can't explain how it was back then, I'll fast-forward to what meant the most, I ended up seeing a couple photos I never expected to ever see, of someone very special who I've never forgotten.