Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had one, it was the block only.

It was really old because those were only made in like 60/1.

I decided to sell it because they are worth something to people looking for them.
For me, i prefer cast iron better. Cheaper, and more solid feeling. Plus i don't really care about weight and gas mileage.

How much gas can you really save off of 60 pounds.......really
I was intrigued by this story in Hot Rod Magazine where they went for bolt-on power on one of them. Never heard of them before.

They don't seem like a great racing option, they appear a little delicate with the thin cylinder liners.
This engine has been rebuilt before so there is actualy a cross hatch pattern still mildly visable so it will be interesting when i hone it out this time because i am not sure till i actualy do it, how much honing it needs

Honing is easy... The speed that youstroke it up & down give the cross hatch...
One of my favorite members
After Tike and BenRicky of

Ok, back from the yearly inspection on the old Audi. I'm seriously considering retiring the old girl. Upper front control arms on both sides need replacing and the left CV boot. AGAIN! Plus I need to get a new license plate for the front and fix the dim-ish headlights.
Ok, back from the yearly inspection on the old Audi. I'm seriously considering retiring the old girl. Upper front control arms on both sides need replacing and the left CV boot. AGAIN! Plus I need to get a new license plate for the front and fix the dim-ish headlights.
Sounds like my jeep! I've done the clutch 4 times and it's out again.....
Any old people driving it? :rolleyes:

Never changed a clutch. Sounds like a lot of work.

Nope. The jeep clutch is notorious for failing. They use a plastic throw out bearing, which falls apart and too thin of fingers on the pressure plate.
A BIG piece of junk design. :wtf:were the engineers thinking?
Cost...... they even had a recall out on them but they claim mine isn't part of that. Their solution? To add a simple steel washer to the front of it
Recently, I phoned the spiritual leader of Tibet...

He sent me a large goat with a long neck...

It turns out that I called Dial-a-Lama....
Two guys are getting dressed in the gym locker room. One of them puts on panties. The other guy asks, "Since when do you wear panties???"

The man replied, "Since my wife found them in the glove compartment of my car"....
Two guys meet on the street. One guy says, "You don't look good, are you ok???"

The guy replies, "No, to tell you the truth, I lost three wives in three months"...

The first man asks, "How???"
The other guy says, "One from eating poison mushrooms, another from eating poison mushrooms, and the third from a fractured skull".. .

The first man asks, "How did she get a fractured skull???"

The other guy says, "She wouldn't eat the mushrooms"...