Stop in for a cup of coffee

You really need to get away from that unit. Is that the only one you have been in?

No, I've been in probably 6-7 I'd have to count. And I'm not transferring until I get the air reserve/guard thing fully figured out.

They give you three meal vouchers each day right? do not take that it is included in your VHA/BAS either that is part of the contract being on AT!
Normally they provide 3 meals during AT. They normally pay us for the meals and then debit charge them . That's been every unit though
No, I've been in probably 6-7 I'd have to count. And I'm not transferring until I get the air reserve/guard thing fully figured out.

Normally they provide 3 meals during AT. They normally pay us for the meals and then debit charge them . That's been every unit though
You know drill weekend is AT also if your over x miles.
For the Guard and Reserve here you do one weekend a month and two weeks a year that is mandatory to be a member in good standing.
Chris I would look at a nursery first before buying trees from lowes anyhow I am sure they are not the best taken care of if you are going to do any quantity of them.
Don't know if it's still the same, but Lowes did have a guarantee they would grow. One year I believe. I think they usually have better plants than Homey Depo. For nicer stuff, we also have Stauffers. That is more of a nursery, but usually more expensive.
Good Morning
You guys have a conscription there?
We don't but we did and now we soon do again.

We had it from 1901 to 2010 when we started employing all servicemen and -women. This year, the government decided to start drafting people again in 2018. The selection is gender-neutral now, too.

About 4% of the youth will be doing their military service. At Peak Cold War, that number was 85%.

I did my service as a radar technician in 1992.
I was in for a few years before the cold war ended, Man that was a totally different time of paranoia.
I was in for a few years before the cold war ended, Man that was a totally different time of paranoia.
Oh, yes. My mother visited relatives in Estonia for the first time in 1984, I believe. The population weren't allowed to own maps of the country. Can you imagine? Being a tourist, she obviously brought a map and they threw themselves over it.

Effective way of keeping people in one place. After one generation, no-one knows where they are or how to get to the border.
Sweden used to have 900 fighter jets. If the Soviets had tried to invade over the Baltic sea, they would have been sunk in no time.