Stop in for a cup of coffee

My colleague and I went back to our old company today to retrieve trade secret documents after their massive layoff last week. It was seriously depressing. The company that we helped build is now down to a barely breathing whisp with just over a dozen people rattling around. It was like going back to the house you grew up in just to find it a run down abandoned shell.
My colleague and I went back to our old company today to retrieve trade secret documents after their massive layoff last week. It was seriously depressing. The company that we helped build is now down to a barely breathing whisp with just over a dozen people rattling around. It was like going back to the house you grew up in just to find it a run down abandoned shell.
Kind of like driving by the big shiny outlet mall that popped up in my youth only to see it being a ghost town with plywood over store windows and doors. Kind of depressing
Found the part for the Dist tester, hopefully it fixes it. Other than that nada just been down again for the last few days, story of my life for sure lately.
Nice. Question though, how many years does it take to get fruit from the trees after planting? 2-3?
Well, when you buy an apple tree (They are all grafted to wood) they will start putting on fruit and blooms the second year in the ground, but it will be just a few (6 to 10) apples, second year it will triple and so on, so I am guessing a 3 year old tree will bear 50 apples then the next year it will have 150 apples
I thought it was different thanks though.
I have picked Apples, Cherries and strawberries all over the state of Michigan, Traverse City and around Lake Michigan for a bunch of farmers, but I was a young boy at 7 years to 16 years old.
I have picked Apples, Cherries and strawberries all over the state of Michigan, Traverse City and around Lake Michigan for a bunch of farmers, but I was a young boy at 7 years to 16 years old.

Likewise. Picked apricots, and berries in Cali. In the sixties one summer.
Well picked berries. Apricots came in had to halve them put them on trays to go in the dryers.