Stop in for a cup of coffee

Friggin people disappear for a week and don't even think they should have to back read. :wtf:

Lol, more in my thread, plus Posiron posted others in this thread

2017-06-04 20.42.43.jpg

2017-06-04 20.44.22.jpg
real good - just getting back from vacation - we went to Jupiter Fl. and Epping NH (annual drag race) - - too much fun!! how be you?
I be good, lower back shut me down for over a week and it feels much better this morning, it has been raining here for two weeks (not everyday) but lets just say I had to have my drive way repaired so we could use it, 3 inches in 30 minutes took it out .
Everybody's A/C working? I need to clean my condenser coils. When it runs a long time the liquid line freezes up. It's a 40+ year old unit.
:eek:OH OH Keefer I have to get behind that wall plastic today to get a brake pedal assy!:eek:
I'm on the likes list...While that is nice, it's more of a participation trophy to me. I wish they had a tally for Thanks (which is all we had on old site). To me that is a good indicator who actually helps others on here.

I had over 1500 likes, and they all didn't transfer to the new software... :(
I be good, lower back shut me down for over a week and it feels much better this morning, it has been raining here for two weeks (not everyday) but lets just say I had to have my drive way repaired so we could use it, 3 inches in 30 minutes took it out .
Holy crap... THAT'S a lot of rain!! I think we're all getting to that "back troubles" point in our lives.. I know I have to be way more careful than ever before... and it sucks
I be good, lower back shut me down for over a week and it feels much better this morning, it has been raining here for two weeks (not everyday) but lets just say I had to have my drive way repaired so we could use it, 3 inches in 30 minutes took it out .

Glad that your back is better... :thumbsup:

I just saw on the news that Austin, TX got hit with a ton of rain also... :BangHead:
Off to find that part, dam thing was on e bay for months the question is where is it now that the shop is semi clean!:BangHead:
Thank's @krazykuda , yep ! they did, Fema is on there way here to help/hender folks :rofl:

Y'all have a great day your way, I have to get started, meeting my oldest and Grandoughter for breakfast :thumbsup: