Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have a set of upper control arms that came with my disc brake conversion. I believe they are small ball joint. Giving the coffee crew first shot at them at the usual Coffee Crew Discount.


Wow, just noticed I passed 10K posts!. Then I look up a couple and see Hoppy over 30K and been here a year less.:eek: And then there is Memike...(but he has been here forever)
Wow, just noticed I passed 10K posts!. Then I look up a couple and see Hoppy over 30K and been here a year less.:eek: And then there is Memike...(but he has been here forever)
I was here when Joey Bought the site from Adam, been here about 11 years I believe , not as chatty as I was :D
Good morning, coffee to-go today, '95 Tercel needs a tune-up then off to work, 224k miles the car needs some love now and then.

Oh yesterday had a blowout in the Fury, rear tire. Weird because just a few minutes before, driving on the narrow 2-lane, I actually thought, "what if I have a blow out?" I doesn't seem that hot outside till you change at noon in a parking lot!
Good morning, coffee to-go today, '95 Tercel needs a tune-up then off to work, 224k miles the car needs some love now and then.

Oh yesterday had a blowout in the Fury, rear tire. Weird because just a few minutes before, driving on the narrow 2-lane, I actually thought, "what if I have a blow out?" I doesn't seem that hot outside till you change at noon in a parking lot!
These new engines sure do clock a bunch of miles , I hope your tire change went smooth, I carry a small floor jack with me everywhere , no flats yet :steering: Knock on wood :)
I only have a safety spare from a jeep so If I have one hope it is close to home! (15's and rear disk)
These new engines sure do clock a bunch of miles , I hope your tire change went smooth, I carry a small floor jack with me everywhere , no flats yet :steering: Knock on wood :)

Thanks Mike, yep it was no big deal, kinda nice in a way because I heard my Dad's voice in my head, telling me the proper steps for changing a tire. Mr. Davis ordered me a new tire, the spare was brand new and recent so I am good.