Stop in for a cup of coffee

How about these?
They do come in 17 inch
But if you are mainly cruising most of the time, what does it matter? Get a second set of wheels and tires for Performance days and then it doesn't matter what they look like...just that they work. You could even use your current wheels for that.
I guess I could.......
I used to buy lotto tickets every week until I realized that you can watch it on TV for free....
nuthin' wrong with that - ya musta needed some Z's.. so how's it going with the "fainting" thing?
Only happened once then the seizure so I don't know. I have another full battery of tests in the 26th. So far, nothing found at all
and I imagine you've settled in at the new job by now... how's that going?
Was only there 3 weeks..... I'm now on training with my guard unit for a couple weeks then I go back. But those 3 weeks, so far so good. Really a fun place and I think I'm fitting in well.

Oh get this. Wanna hear about small world? The lunch theif at my last job...... was fired in spring of 2016 from my new/current employer for the same type of stuff. That and his work quality was horrible