Stop in for a cup of coffee

Awesome day here. High around 80 and low humdidity. Looks like its gonna Hit the triple H by Sunday though - Hazy Hot Humid. 3 days of 90 degrees... Uhg
Well the Dist machine pars are coming back he said he found some smalls wrong not sure what until I get it with the invoice!
there's a thread where a guy has an issue with his - top is loose. Am I remembering correctly that there is a nut up inside the base that tightens it?
Got it. Not what I have, but I think all are similar. If I read it right,the whole top is loose. Which has nothing to do with the cable other than it passing through.
So the bulb is good and he fixed the circuit? What else did you send him?
All the electronic guts. He said he never saw a used bulb that bright, he might want the old tube I pulled for credit on other stuff, that works for me.
Got it. Not what I have, but I think all are similar. If I read it right,the whole top is loose. Which has nothing to do with the cable other than it passing through.
right - but the tube the cable goes through is also the rod that has the tightening nut on it - isn't it?
Really funky how those work Mike think of three small spedo cable innards to a joystick, they are not in sheathing but do have a bit of plastic tube they go though and all support each other. Only nut I am aware of is like a speed nut behind the door panel on the door? I believe and on the outside of the panel. Dam Keith you were just in there!