Stop in for a cup of coffee

I whack just about all year round. Secret is to keep the fuel fresh and lube it up a lot. I usually spend about an hour and a half whacking.. Arms get really tired after that. Haven't whacked much this year, but after all this talk, I may whack as soon as I get home.
that's a lot of anticipation - are you sure you can hold out that long?
I don't visit here, very often. -- I currently have a broken foot - in a cast - bored, and spending a lot of time on FABO.
Sitting at the train station .


I whack just about all year round. Secret is to lube it up a lot. I usually spend about an hour and a half whacking.. Arms get really tired after that. Haven't whacked much this year, but after all this talk, I may whack as soon as I get home.

TMI... :eek: :eek: :eek:
yea - training was complete YEARS ago... :poke::lol:

I've often told people she taught me well.
Unlike others though I'm still my own person, not henpecked.
I come and go as I please and do what I want without asking permission.
I've often told people she taught me well.
Unlike others though I'm still my own person, not henpecked.
I come and go as I please and do what I want without asking permission.
Pretty much the same here. I do make sure to tell her what I'm doing out of courtesy, but it's never mistaken for asking permission. I trained her well too. :D