Stop in for a cup of coffee

so it's "make the brakes work GD it" day here.. I've got two weeks worth of trash and recycling to deal with and then it's into the garage 'til it's done for me.. the wife invited the other aunt over for lunch - and I will take a lunch break, but the Scamp comes first today.
I asked yuse guys but....

yea - some tasty black here and there will work on that for sure
He wanted the mesh inserts for the hood white and I had to take him out of it. A little black here and there blah blah. he was up here last night just a droolin'. lol
I helped him get this out of his minivan as he says "I'm going to do the other three when I get it back" I flip it around and.... lol Then told him the other 3 were done and on. Bless his heart he tries.

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