Stop in for a cup of coffee

Back from the doc...

They couldn't get me in today, so I have an appointment for a week from tomorrow... (Thong Thur)....
Told a guy on here, FABO, I would sell him my 66 Dart project, for 8500.00. He probably won't buy it.
we are thinking Florida - but with all the sinkholes...
The ONLY problem with here, are the TAXES!!! Cost a fortune to live here. I am sitting on a million dollars in Real Estate equity...
Be dumb not to sell and move to a less expensive area.
The ONLY problem with here, are the TAXES!!! Cost a fortune to live here. I am sitting on a million dollars in Real Estate equity...
Be dumb not to sell and move to a less expensive area.
are you SURE you don't want to adopt me.................. I mean, I really don't eat much... :D
82F with near 70 humdidity here and feels anything but nice...
I was going to trim a big Holly bush in front of the house. Decided to wait till it is a LOT cooler so I can wear long sleeves and not get myself sliced and diced so much.