Stop in for a cup of coffee

You need to tell him that you are a testical inspector for a top forum automobile site.
but like a bad dream.... I'm baaaaaaack
me too, you stalking me?

on a sad note, found out this morning that one of the guys my brothers and sister went to highschool with was one of the soldiers killed yesterday in Afghanistan.
That sucks, but we all knew the chances when we signed up.
Yep, anyone joining after 9/11 especially. What's sad even more so, its almost 9 years to the day my unit lost 2 guys in an EFP attack over there. One of which, I was really close with and still haunts me at times. Tomorrow will be the 9 year anniversary of that EFP attack.
so this weekend is the Street rod nats in Louisville, thinking of trying to get down there