Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just that one monster, kind of should not have picked it up, but for $50 when I got the second dist tester could not say no.
Maybe gut it? Add shelves? sell as a storage cabinet. I'm sure some of the components, switches etc could be used repairing others. Is the huge center scope any good?
It all works the scope needs a new plug on the back of the tube, have to research it the sun part number does not cross reference anything.
Parts machine it is in Delaware though. He has some other cool stuff also, that's the issue!
Yeah we don't count Chicago here

I like all pizza :D
Back to work tonight...not fun being sick and I missed being there:( to witness my young former coworker having a surprise birthday dinner with her boyfriend and he proposed and placed a diamond ring on her finger.
I did surpass my 12 wk. goal, have lost 19.2 lb in 8 wks. Gonna make it an even 20, thought about going further but no sense in getting carried away, it kinda like feeling well-fed.
We have had a lot of rain but oddly hardly any dampness of the Fury's carpet.
There is a local company with tons of great reviews, I am going to see what they say about fixing the chip in the Fury's windshield.

Great job on the weight loss... :thumbsup:
I'm watching porno..


I'm watching pinochio.
Just imaging how many women you could attract if your nose grew every time you lied.
Sure I think your beautiful.
Absolutely I will respect you.

What did Snow White say when she sat on Pinocchio's face???

Lie mother f*cker, lie....