Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh they could.....

Drafting joke:

Good afternoon folks! Out of curiosity, does anyone know if window seals for the Duster are available that eliminate the chrome/stainless trim?
Stay away from any girls that have been with Usher...


Usher Faces More Herpes-Related Lawsuits

More bad news for Usher: Three more people are stepping forward to accuse the eight-time Grammy winner of failing to tell them he had herpes before they had sexual contact, People reports.

Lawyer Lisa Bloom says she plans to file a lawsuit in California Monday on behalf of "Jane Doe," "John Doe," and a third accuser who will speak at a New York news conference Bloom will hold Monday, reports TMZ.

People notes that "knowingly or recklessly" passing on an STD is a violation of California law.

Usher reportedly settled a suit in 2012 brought by a celebrity stylist who claimed the singer gave her herpes, per a RadarOnline article published in July that put the settlement at $1.1 million.

The suit says Usher "consciously and purposefully" kept silent about his alleged STD while he "continued to have unprotected sex" with the woman. TMZ reports the three new individuals suing claim they had sexual encounters with Usher after 2012.

The singer has been married to Grace Miguel since 2015.

Usher Faces More Herpes-Related Lawsuits - news -

Good afternoon folks! Out of curiosity, does anyone know if window seals for the Duster are available that eliminate the chrome/stainless trim?
Not that I have seen. Only option I've seen is painting them. Would look kinda crappy without the trim hiding the area next to the seal.
All nice cars, Tim.

This type of pic is obnoxious I realize so won't make a habit of it



Yikes didn't expect the extreme close-up effect, sorry!
Well I didn't want to go out anywhere and I am still on my weight-loss program so I biked to the beach and went for a long walk. I felt good after feeling crappy for part of the week. Just to restore a positive vibe in myself.
Well I didn't want to go out anywhere and I am still on my weight-loss program so I biked to the beach and went for a long walk. I felt good after feeling crappy for part of the week. Just to restore a positive vibe in myself.
I can definitely see the weight loss in your face. It's funny, but that's the first place that people usually show their weight loss.
I can definitely see the weight loss in your face. It's funny, but that's the first place that people usually show their weight loss.
So totally true Dave, the wife showed me this earlier today. The pic on the left was from last year and the right from last month. I didn't realize the change until I saw the pics.
