Stop in for a cup of coffee

damn crazy bastid - you must be wound like an 8 day clock!
lol not really, Sleep some yesterday during the day. 3:30 Sat night somebodies dog was scratching at my door and all hell broke loose with my 45 lb pit. Thought she was going to go through the glass at the other dog. Of course, all wound up she kept me and the wife up the rest of the morning. I really have to watch her when she gets like that. I don't know who had her before but she's gamey as hell, ligthning fast, don't care how big the other dog is, and don't stop. Always goes for the other dogs hamstring first. Somewhere along the line her teeth have been filed but I don't really trust that she can't do damage.
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lol not really, Sleep some yesterday during the day. 3:30 Sat night somebodies dog was scratching at my door and all hell broke loose with my 45 lb pit. Thought she was going to go through the glass at the other dog. Of course, all wound up she kept me and the wife up the rest of the morning. I really have to watch her when she gets like that. I don't know who had her before but she's gamey as hell, ligthning fast, don't care how big the other dog is, and don't stop. Always goes for the other dogs hamstring first. Somewhere along the line her teeth have been filed but I don't really trust that she can't do damage.
I filed a girls teeth down once. she could still do some damage..
so yesterday I took Keith's suggestion of using a leaf blower to clean the garage one step further - I used compressed air and this

and went around the place and just had it - - holy crap what a dust cloud!!! but I gotta tell ya - the floor in the garage is better than broom clean!
the dust was BAD though - my wife came out to see what I was up to, she was 30' down the driveway and couldn't stand there... and thank God for those paper dust masks!!
so yesterday I took Keith's suggestion of using a leaf blower to clean the garage one step further - I used compressed air and this View attachment 1715079963
and went around the place and just had it - - holy crap what a dust cloud!!! but I gotta tell ya - the floor in the garage is better than broom clean!
O yeh, I do that too. LOL
Good Morning
Good morning, up early, headed to the windshield-fixer place soon and later take the Fury across the Cooper River bridge to a diner over there I like. Humidity is 87% today and without a/c the key will be to keep moving and always park in shade.