Stop in for a cup of coffee

Still worth a try, bottom of the list though for there, hell I would be near the bottom there also mostly o-5, 0-6 on that base.
Don't tempt me.
that sounds like an incredibly bad idea.
I do less than an hour drive there. Usually there 7AM to 5PM. Probably don't see half of what's there. Hot and dead tired. Can't even imagine doing a drive like that after.
Yeah it wasn't really a thought
You won't see half of it in 6 hours if you run around the event.
Probably not
The army heritage center 5 minutes.


Still worth a try, bottom of the list though for there, hell I would be near the bottom there also mostly o-5, 0-6 on that base.
Meh. I've kicked back with two stars before, ain't scared
Seriously call lodging today, you can always cancel. I know some guys on FCBO got rooms there yesterday, prob only 20 or so rooms there and it is the week after july 4th so a lot of families go to see the sights.
Neighbor asked if i had a extra gas can the otherday.
Guess this is why he aked if i had an extra.

Score! I just won a light beer kit on E bay for $11.33. That makes 2 gallons. $1.41 a quart! I know what I'll be brewing next!
Maybe by that time I will be putting my own ingredients together instead of using a kit. Thanks Hoppy.