Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not quite, What I said was...

I asked if you “learned” to do it, not “tried” to do it. You might want to brush up on those reading comprehension skills...:poke:
That course was not part of the masters program....:lol:
Not quite, What I said was...

I asked if you “learned” to do it, not “tried” to do it. You might want to brush up on those reading comprehension skills...:poke:
No you said "did you ever do that." The word learned was never asked in the question.
That course was not part of the masters program....:lol:
That reminds me of a guy who was hired to work with me back at DuPont with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering that I asked to calculate the actual weight of ferrous chloride in a gram of ferrous chloride heptahydrate (7 extra water molecules). It was a simple calculation, but he kept getting it wrong. I tried to walk him through calculating the total weight minus the water weight but he still couldn’t get it right.

Finally I asked him the percent a quarter was of a dollar. His answer was “4”. I asked him to rethink that and he came back again with the same answer.

I told him he needed to go back and study basic math because he was incorrect.

He told me insistently that he must be right because he had gotten a 99% grade in calculus and that proved he knew what he was talking about.

He got his termination notice the next morning.
No you said "did you ever do that." The word learned was never asked in the question.
You are incorrect, the question was about the totality of your post and had you ever done what was described. Additional explanation was added that the totality was learning to do it.
That reminds me of a guy who was hired to work with me back at DuPont with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering that I asked to calculate the actual weight of ferrous chloride in a gram of ferrous chloride heptahydrate (7 extra water molecules). It was a simple calculation, but he kept getting it wrong. I tried to walk him through calculating the total weight minus the water weight but he still couldn’t get it right.

Finally I asked him the percent a quarter was of a dollar. His answer was “4”. I asked him to rethink that and he came back again with the same answer.

I told him he needed to go back and study basic math because he was incorrect.

He told me insistently that he must be right because he had gotten a 99% grade in calculus and that proved he knew what he was talking about.

He got his termination notice the next morning.
Cant see the forest for the trees!
Night guys... Be cool on Chris, he's fun to have around and I don't want him to get pissed and leave....:lol:
Calculus doesn't CARE what the numbers are. :wtf:
Later I found out that his classes were graded on a curve so that 99% grade was only in comparison to the other students.

That effectively made him the equivalent of the finest hockey player in all of Egypt.

We never hired another graduate of that school again.
On occasion I have been known to use a wee little bit of trail braking to settle the back end of the go kart and keep the throttle pegged :steering::lol:
You have to on those things. Young sons 100# lighter would get past me. Roll off the gas to turn and it takes too long to get it wound up again. Full throttle and they don't turn but full throttle and a little drag of the brake and I'm good.
I can tell you that its not much fun havinglittle bits of rust picked out of your eyeballs. Three visits to get it all out. :(

I had a metal chip get stuck in my eye once when I was young... The doctor had to dig it out with a needle... I had a bad headache after that I slept the rest of the day... I learned the hard way to wear safety glasses...

Did that have little grilles/vents in the hood???

There was a guy that hung around my dad's video store that had one of those and made a "hood scoop" for the vent out of a Budweiser can... Cut off the top and split it down the side and left the bottom in so it pushed the air into the hood....
Later I found out that his classes were graded on a curve so that 99% grade was only in comparison to the other students.

That effectively made him the equivalent of the finest hockey player in all of Egypt.

We never hired another graduate of that school again.

Or the best looking Denny's waitress...

Just because you're the cutest one at that particular Denny's doesn't mean you will be winning any beauty contests.... :rolleyes:
Dang, I'm dying tonight. Sciatic nerve pinch. Right leg.
Been there done that. My physiotherapist has treated it a few times. Its been over a year for me, a record. Chiropractor cant seem to fix it when i used to go there.
Usually happens in the fall,ice and snow,cold and damp and one slip.