Stop in for a cup of coffee

If you bake a cake and turns out all f'ed up and tastes like crap, do you eat it anyway? No, you throw it out and start over.

I say we do the same with f'ed up people.. Throw out the ones that aren't right (instead of making concessions and new laws to protect them... and allow them to breed).

I know that is harsh, but Darwin was onto something..

And go!
It would be easier to move the people who aren't f'ed up to a colony on the moon. There just aren't very many of them.
There's a giant tank/armor auction every few years at Aberdeen Proving grounds
Cool stuff there... Refrigeration engineers group I used to be in got a tour several years ago. Our focus was the test bay they use to simulate hot and cold environments. They set stuff up in there like a tank gun. Freeze the f*k out of it and then see if it functions. Or bury it in sand and run the temp up under bake lamps, ...whatever. Have a long range shooting/ launch area too - I think several miles clear.
Cool stuff there... Refrigeration engineers group I used to be in got a tour several years ago. Our focus was the test bay they use to simulate hot and cold environments. They set stuff up in there like a tank gun. Freeze the f*k out of it and then see if it functions. Or
bury it in sand and
run the temp up under bake lamps, ...whatever. Have a long range shooting/ launch area too - I think several miles clear.
When my parents went to school they got smacked by the teachers for misbehaving and another whooping when they got home. I got the whoopin's when I got home. Now you can't even tell a kid to sit down and shut up without the parents "My kid would never do that" and the threat of legal action. My ex was a school teacher and the teachers, her friends that I had met, barely stable enough to teach never mind carrying or a crisis.
I saw a teacher grab a punkass brat by the hair and drag him out of the classroom. Slapped him silly. F’er had it coming. Junior high,late 70’s.
Kids should be afraid of their parents,teachers or anyone of any authority.
Today,child and family services shows up on your doorstep if you take away the kid’s cell phone.
C'mon, with the legal ramifications, a teacher with tenure would pull that as a stunt?
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You guys aren't getting all political on me now ate ya?
Gonna turn into a bunch of post hoes to make the next big milestone? Wheres the fun in that?
So the heater motor in the x-trail is junk. Drug out a chevy blower motor, cut up heater housing,drilled fan and wired blower motor backwards. It worked!
My biggest concern was it vibrating or a whistle i couldnt stand.