Just put a nickel in it.
It will cost at least 50 cents today.Just put a nickel in it.
Possible, but only movement of wires is slight with vac advance. Same with 2 diff distribs so not likely in this caseCheck the wires gong to the breaker plate, tho I know it has no points... I remember this same kind of problem....It moves and connects/disconnects...
HansName the new car yet Tike?
He said 'Hard and lick Her"evening. pass the hard liquor please
Who didHe said 'Hard and lick Her"
as in Solo?Hands
North Korean coal.Dam fossil fuels always a problem especially coal!
Right here....evening. pass the hard liquor please
Name the new car yet Tike?
That is the name my wife game the Sublime 66 I sold to Dave!! No kidding....I like Kermit.
It fitsThat is the name my wife game the Sublime 66 I sold to Dave!! No kidding....