Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's just sweet.
Thanks. I wish I could say I could do that level of bodywork myself but I can't. But as Ray intimated, I lucked into a heck of a deal: Best body guy in the world is doing it for a ridiculously low amount of $$. In this pic you can see his 200-mph Duramax-diesel '71 GTO in the background, that was on the cover of HotRod magazine.

I am a outie, Prob better for you just to get things done will be a lot of wasted time down there. Then up to fastenall some time today. Hey you want to do Klingers Friday? The weather should be good for it.
Prob better if you just keep going on the jeep a lot of wasted time for me today running around then prob up to see Rick to give him the other shelf back. Thinking Klingers on Friday to start getting the truck parts I want before painting it.
I will be gone for a while prob 3-4 hours.
I'll see ya' when ya' get back, then. Do you want to pick me up a case of green beer while you're out? If ya' do, get yourself a case of blue beer too and I'll pay ya' for it. I still owe ya' for the diesel too. If you want the $$ now, stop by on your way out.

Y'all'd like the hood release I made for Ray's truck hood: a loop of wire stickin' out of the grille, right up there with the vise-grip battery terminals.
I am a outie, Prob better for you just to get things done will be a lot of wasted time down there. Then up to fastenall some time today. Hey you want to do Klingers Friday? The weather should be good for it.
OK - It'll be nice to get out and do something. Always up for a Klingers run.
Thanks. I wish I could say I could do that level of bodywork myself but I can't. But as Ray intimated, I lucked into a heck of a deal: Best body guy in the world is doing it for a ridiculously low amount of $$. In this pic you can see his 200-mph Duramax-diesel '71 GTO in the background, that was on the cover of HotRod magazine.

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200-mph Duramax-diesel '71 GM A-Body, that is.
Off to the doctor this morning. Well, not a real Dr. Nowdays you see a PA but they still charge the insurance companies like you were seeing a Dr. LOL
Just a physical. Mostly just blood work. I had to fast for the cholesterol test. I will predict my number will be 225 like it has been for 35 years and They will want to put me on cholesterol meds which make my joints ache. That's the reason why I went to the Dr. in the first place. Vicious circle. If you hurt, you take Ibuprofen. If you take too much it's bad on your liver. Aint it great to get old. :lol:
200-mph Duramax-diesel '71 GM A-Body, that is.
Tractor work, I can do though. It looked like this when it came in. Not too bad for free though. Well, free plus a couple weeks of work and prob'ly a thousand bucks of tires, parts and supplies. I welded up the broken cast-iron dash, or at least as much of it as I had, with the mig, 25%/75% CO2-argon gas and .023 nickel alloy carbon steel wire. Then I cut and hammered out than new dash panel for it. People say it can't be done but it can as long as ya' concentrate high heat in very small areas for very short periods of time to get it to melt deep without shattering, and let it cool thoroughly before ya' weld more. My brother-in-law asked me how I welded it without cracking it and I said aw heck everybody knows ya' can't weld cast iron. So: Last week I had tractor parts all over Hoppy's garage and mine; this week it's Jeep parts. Ray is an inordinately patient guy and a very good friend. Before I move the mig outta his garage I'm gonna weld up his Dart exhaust and then we're gonna put the new wheel-opening patches on his Ram.



Off to the doctor this morning. Well, not a real Dr. Nowdays you see a PA but they still charge the insurance companies like you were seeing a Dr. LOL
Just a physical. Mostly just blood work. I had to fast for the cholesterol test. I will predict my number will be 225 like it has been for 35 years and They will want to put me on cholesterol meds which make my joints ache. That's the reason why I went to the Dr. in the first place. Vicious circle. If you hurt, you take Ibuprofen. If you take too much it's bad on your liver. Aint it great to get old. :lol:
old? nah, you ain't old. Just an antique
hows the job thing going?
It's pretty damn good. I love the kids. I spend most of my time with the ones that need special attention for one reason or the other. It is so rewarding. I also get to spend my days in a more quiet surrounding which is good for my recovery. I get really tired in noisy and busy surroundings.
It's pretty damn good. I love the kids. I spend most of my time with the ones that need special attention for one reason or the other. It is so rewarding. I also get to spend my days in a more quiet surrounding which is good for my recovery. I get really tired in noisy and busy surroundings.
thats awesome!

Hey guys! Anders! Welcome back!!!
morning tim
Hows it going guys....BEEEUTIFUL weather here!!!! Going to be 88 here today. Spring has sprung!