Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well in Chris's place they have to be kept free of snow. On your roof. How are you going to achieve that? I just hose them off when I think of it...
The pint is empty. :( There is vegetation to be destroyed. Y'all have a great day. I'm going to try Mother's waterless wash on the motorcycle after I kill the oxygen producing weeds. Should be interesting.
1 per panel?
Yes. look at the benefits of micro inverters. No shading problems. With a single large inverter, if one panel is in the shade, or covered in snow, the whole array is only going to perform as well as the lowest performing panel. With micro inverters you dont have that issue.
Yes. look at the benefits of micro inverters. No shading problems. With a single large inverter, if one panel is in the shade, or covered in snow, the whole array is only going to perform as well as the lowest performing panel. With micro inverters you dont have that issue.
bumpety bump bump bumpety bump bump.
That's 8, right? All eight firing.
Today could have been a three strikes, or at best a walk, but it turned out OK.
Jeep is running again - on all 8. Changing the firing order fixed the problem.:rolleyes:

Put the Barracuda back in the garage and drained the oil.
It would have been a nice day to be at the Pocono 'Track Night'. But I knew last week that wasn't in the cards.
WTF everyone go!!!
I was at the garage. Got there to find out the power company (PECO) cut everyone off for 'planned tree trimming'. Couldn't be bothered to notify the customers! Heck even the City notifies us when some service is being delayed, usually trash pickup.
Anyway I had my lunch with me, so it wasn't a total loss.
And when I got back, sat in the back yard with the dog checking all the plants out and keeping the squirrels at bay. LOL
I'm back had a short Papa babysitting tasker with the two year old granddaughter. Mom was running errands, they're heading back to England tomorrow. SNL is in the Air Force, and TDY to the Middle East. Anyway its over, thankful for Disney channel.:D
WTF everyone go!!!
Been pulling tack strips in the family room. Time to quit for the day. Still snowing here. 4"+ so far. What the heck, Time for a sip of BV. 5:00 somewhere. I need to tell @Ben Drinkin this: I finally quit drinkin' for good........Now I drink for evil! :rofl:
Packing up Ben rickys wheels. Waiting on shipping quote. Fed X 40.00 each. Seems expensive