Stop in for a cup of coffee

On cup number two and Buddy is at my feet snoring, 91 by high noon today, after that it will feel like 104.. your northeast Arkansas weather report :lol:

Good morning folks. Just another triple digit day at work. And I'll get to spend much of it outside servicing fertilizer equipment.. I don't know how I became our maintenance guy! I guess once they found out I can fix stuff, they started finding all the busted crap and bringing it to me.. I suppose it beats sitting in the office all day..
Awwwwwwwww love that pic!!!

Southeast Ohio on the river report.... currently 68 with 97% humidity. Will hit low 80s today with thunderstorms later. Only place I know that it seems the humidity is usually higher than the rain forest!!! lol
Awwwwwwwww love that pic!!!

Southeast Ohio on the river report.... currently 68 with 97% humidity. Will hit low 80s today with thunderstorms later. Only place I know that it seems the humidity is usually higher than the rain forest!!! lol
One blessing out here, the humidity is usually real low.
Good morning folks. Just another triple digit day at work. And I'll get to spend much of it outside servicing fertilizer equipment.. I don't know how I became our maintenance guy! I guess once they found out I can fix stuff, they started finding all the busted crap and bringing it to me.. I suppose it beats sitting in the office all day..

A lot of the younger generation has no idea how to fix things! And don't appear to want to learn either.
Doctor told me one time ... after being to see him yet again about the croupy crud/bronchitis crap I usually get every year... that if I didn't want to keep getting it... move west. He called it the "Mid-Ohio Valley Crud"... now that is a medical diagnosis if I ever heard one right there!! lol
A lot of the younger generation has no idea how to fix things! And don't appear to want to learn either.
So true. I got a college kid working for the summer. Willing to help but has no idea how to use tools. I realize i have years of experience on the kid, but it just makes me scratch my head when I see how he approaches a task.. It's like common sense just bypassed the guy.
Doctor told me one time ... after being to see him yet again about the croupy crud/bronchitis crap I usually get every year... that if I didn't want to keep getting it... move west. He called it the "Mid-Ohio Valley Crud"... now that is a medical diagnosis if I ever heard one right there!! lol
No "crud" out this way... but EVERYBODY develops some kind of allergies. Wind, dirt, dry, cotton farming... Something out here will make your nose run!
So true. I got a college kid working for the summer. Willing to help but has no idea how to use tools. I realize i have years of experience on the kid, but it just makes me scratch my head when I see how he approaches a task.. It's like common sense just bypassed the guy.

I had to explain to one that a push broom is called a push broom for a reason... And yes you hit it on the head ... common sense is missing in a lot!
Barb put's on a good report and complete, same here ! High humidity 91 percent if I remember right
No "crud" out this way... but EVERYBODY develops some kind of allergies. Wind, dirt, dry, cotton farming... Something out here will make your nose run!

Lol that is why I am still here... no matter where you go it is something!! Had a friend that moved down to Florida, loved it because her major ailment improved tremendously... then spring hit and the orange blossoms and pollen! Yep, she is allergic to the pollen down there and goes through misery every spring.
Barb put's on a good report and complete, same here ! High humidity 91 percent if I remember right

Our UV index has dropped also. Went from a 9 down to a 4! Of course, it has been cloudy.

I have noticed that they have started putting an "ozone" report out also around here. Never did that before.
I think you need to get Victoria back on her feet. Buddy looks more than ready..
I hear that Ben so many todo's hit me seems like , this new shop building and getting this dun on Victoria, so close to being ready for paint under the hood and the new trans and fresh 360 is setting here just waiting on me and my sons ...
We get those reports on the weekend most of the time Barb, they do it for all the river and lake going folks I guess.
Yes Barb, I have a No Drama life, or the best I can do to stay away from it, all my friends know that if they start talking drama I will just walk away or say they sound like a bunch of old folks setting around complaining about someone or something, when Uli came and visited me from Germany he loved hearing me say it (No Drama ) he now says it around his friends over there

Thinking I might redo the rear view mirror in my car. If I am really careful I figure I can get the glass out and then redo the coating on the back of it.
Yes Barb, I have a No Drama life, or the best I can do to stay away from it, all my friends know that if they start talking drama I will just walk away or say they sound like a bunch of old folks setting around complaining about someone or something, when Uli came and visited me from Germany he loved hearing me say it (No Drama ) he now says it around his friends over there

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Looking good and relaxed there!

Love the coffee pot shelf!!!
Yep, thats where we play music every Thurday night, I drink Bud Lite while some of the older fellow drink coffee, grand ol opree fellows that has the skill's :thumbsup: