Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning all. So, the 1/4 fairing is mocked up on the Sabre with massive amounts of masking tape :lol:. The factory headlight hole in the fairing was what I worried most about, it's perfect. Even with the blue masking tape pinstriping :lol:It's going to look so good :lol:. Top half of the mounting bracket set I bought will work splendidly, the lower half, not so much. It's not like I didn't do my research. 3 different sources say those brackets will fit this model. Relocate the blinker lights about 1 1/2" lower via a quicky bracket. Re-engineer the lower clamps for the brackets. I know, it's not an A Body, but it's hot rodding baby :rofl:.
Need pics. It's not that difficult.. See?
2016-08-06 20.21.39.jpg
Think he has his dates messed up.
Wow this is big! Never went there before.
Hershey Region AACA
Was forgetting the actual car show is just Saturday. I'd kinda like to get to that. Been several years since I did that. Because this is an AACA show there are a lot more antiques. Only show around here where you will see that. And probably the best show in the country. But, Friday is the better day for me to go usually. I see they have officially eliminated Sunday. Not sure when they did that. I know it was really thin the last time I was there on a Sunday. There will be lots of cars to look at any day. If still same layout, they use the main drive coming around the Giant center over to the park for the car coral (For sale)

:rofl: I knew someone would bring that up :rofl: The blue masking tape really adds PIZAZZZZZ :rofl:
There are gray ghost flames in amongst the black there. One of Honda's better ideas.
Rattle canner!
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I thought you left Rani. If you go back you will see a Daffy image shaking a can of paint being thrown up by certain members here. It looks like Daffy is doing something else but he is truly shaking a can of spray paint. I cannot show it here because I do not have it on my computer! But certain members do and those certain members like to use it against other "cool" members

:elmer:Plagiarism!! I say plagiarism!
I hope this is true. Too late for my grandmother but this disease is so difficult to watch.
Agreed, thats one of them diseases that would be nice to see cured.
Often thought it seems like diseases that are impossible to cure are worse to those who see them from outside than those who are actualy sick.
Well, day is almost done. Couple oil changes, got ac recharged (finally)by somebody else.
Dude is going to regret that, as i will not send any work his way again.
Well, day is almost done. Couple oil changes, got ac recharged (finally)by somebody else.
Dude is going to regret that, as i will not send any work his way again.
Tell me why you aren't doing that yourself, Frank.....
A/c season averages 4-5 weeks.
Not enough business to get into it.