Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just took a Melatonin pill, I don't have to be at the surgery center for my MRA till 12:30 today, I hope to get a couple more hours of sleep, not sure if I can or will, we will see.
I hate to bend your ear but ... ok I will, I go in today at 12:30 for a mra on my right shoulder for surgery, Die test thing, I am blotted bad and I think the meds are doing it, drinking the hell out of water now, it may be stress thinking about my health , white blood cells are low, ... have to get some answers soon so I don't go crazy ... we will see

Don't worry about bending my ear, anything you need to talk about is good with me....
I just took a Melatonin pill, I don't have to be at the surgery center for my MRA till 12:30 today, I hope to get a couple more hours of sleep, not sure if I can or will, we will see.

I'm going to get to bed soon also...

I didn't get to sleep in much this morning and need to do some cooking tomorrow or Thur morning...

I have two racks of ribs to cook, and a pork shoulder to make some pulled pork....
If he gets any pain or knock out pills, he has to share with all of us.... :D :p
All I use are over the counter , these melatonin pills work , and are not bad for us, just can't take them every night, couple times a week if I have problems getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep
All I use are over the counter , these melatonin pills work , and are not bad for us, just can't take them every night, couple times a week if I have problems getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep

Or grow your own, a little goes a long way, seen 3 foot plants with an OZ of tops on them
Keep telling her that!
This guy is a trip, did a distrib for him, he sent it back needed more of a curve then he told me he had a experimental carb on it. I do believe him, he has been working on it for a long time. Hope some one helps him out.
Update on Fuel Vaporizer...
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