Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey you should take that extra room you have and auction it off....haha
Making a reservation today in St. Elmo, just in case they do move it.
There aren't too many hotels so rooms will fill up fast.
I don't like going to a three day show when I know nothing about the set up.
I guess we have you though for an intel source. That'll be a plus!!
Did you search Stillwater or Oak Park Heights.. Those are just a couple miles away..

I like that idea about auctioning it, somehow I think I would be paid with alcohol
Really getting sick of people that don't communicate. Craigslist. :BangHead: They respond to ad, ask questions. I answer. Then nothing. Some want to set up time to see something. You give them a couple times and...nothing. Not- 'can't do that', 'another day' 'FU' 'KMA"...just no response, dead air. Just F'n rude. :mob:
Selling a basketball hoop. Months gone by, down to $30, not getting anything- had given up on it and told the neighbor kid to take it for scrap. Then I get 3 people interested. Actually went back n forth with one several times to set up a time. Then nothing for 3 days now. Another was a 'still available/how much?' and the best one - wants to give me $50.. To drive 30 miles and SET IT UP. :realcrazy: Are you F'n kidding me? Says right in the ad it needs a new pole, and I would bet they don't have one. Maybe I should buy them a new net and a basketball too! :wtf:
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Really getting sick of people that don't communicate. Craigslist. :BangHead: They respond to ad, ask questions. I answer. Then nothing. Some want to set up time to see something. You give them a couple times and...nothing. Not- 'can't do that', 'another day' 'FU' 'KMA"...just no response, dead air. Just F'n rude. :mob:
Selling a basketball hoop. Months gone by, down to $30, not getting anything- had given up on it and told the neighbor kid to take it for scrap. Then I get 3 people interested. Actually went back n forth with one several times to set up a time. Then nothing for 3 days now. Another was a 'still available/how much?' and the best one - wants to give me $50.. To drive 30 miles and SET IT UP. :realcrazy: Are you F'n kidding me? Says right in the ad it needs a new pole, and I would bet they don't have one. Maybe I should buy them a new net and a basketball too! :wtf:
yep been there with the hemi I have listed. Had one guy ask me if I could hook it up and make it run before he drove the 2 hours to look it over. :wtf:
After watching all the commercials I'm not sure I want to vote for any of these idiots.
I'm in the same boat. I think a majority of Americans are. Honestly, without getting onto a soap box about politics, the ONLY way this country saves itself from ripping apart internally is if the American citizens BAN the party politics system. It'll never happen but that's one of two mistakes I think the Founders missed. The 2nd being term limits on ALL politically elected offices.
yep been there with the hemi I have listed. Had one guy ask me if I could hook it up and make it run before he drove the 2 hours to look it over. :wtf:
Most of the stuff I have listed is practically give away. One guy wanted to give me $20 for something that is worth at least 50,...if I would deliver it an hour away. That's when I am the rude one who does not even respond.
I'm in the same boat. I think a majority of Americans are. Honestly, without getting onto a soap box about politics, the ONLY way this country saves itself from ripping apart internally is if the American citizens BAN the party politics system. It'll never happen but that's one of two mistakes I think the Founders missed. The 2nd being term limits on ALL politically elected offices.
I am really starting to feel that nothing matters in politics, religion, etc. It's all just a bunch of :bs_flag:to keep us commonfolk busy. While 'they' get rich and all our actions are just for 'their' entertainment.
I am really starting to feel that nothing matters in politics, religion, etc. It's all just a bunch of :bs_flag:to keep us commonfolk busy. While 'they' get rich and all our actions are just for 'their' entertainment.
yep who wants to help wire my car
Did you search Stillwater or Oak Park Heights.. Those are just a couple miles away..

I like that idea about auctioning it, somehow I think I would be paid with alcohol
And don't forget your yard could turn into a pay by the night camp sight. Of course the neighbors might be annoyed by a bunch of old guys drinking or peeing in the yard....:rofl:
After watching all the commercials I'm not sure I want to vote for any of these idiots.
It's difficult...sometimes when your voting you feel like closing your eyes and pushing a button....haha
It's difficult...sometimes when your voting you feel like closing your eyes and pushing a button....haha
I have been voting defensively for years. I have to vote for X because I don't like Y.
It's difficult...sometimes when your voting you feel like closing your eyes and pushing a button....haha
pretty much. I think they are like lawyers on opposite sides of a trial. At the end someone goes to jail an they go for drinks.
I'm in the same boat. I think a majority of Americans are. Honestly, without getting onto a soap box about politics, the ONLY way this country saves itself from ripping apart internally is if the American citizens BAN the party politics system. It'll never happen but that's one of two mistakes I think the Founders missed. The 2nd being term limits on ALL politically elected offices.
They didn't miss it. They described the potential alliances or groups as factions, rather than parties. And factions arose anyway because that's how things get done. Organized factions, what we call parties, rise and fall. They aren't in the Consitution, nor are they permanent even though they seem so in our short lifetimes. NYC has four parties of some influence the past 40-50 years.

The question before US citizens, and party leaders in particular, is whether they put principles and country above party. And the ability to do this, especially of top leaders, has cycled back and forth to greater and lesser degrees. GW knew his personal example would be critical to the future sucess of what they were creating. And although his was and should continue to be the leading standard many great examples throughout presidential history. For example even LBJ, a power politician if there ever was. He knew and accepted be long term cost to his party of pushing civil rights acts into law, but he did it anyway, because he thought it was the right thing and neccessary for the good of the country.
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I should get busy doing something! I am talking to my buddy on my earpiece so as long as I have my phone with me we can chat.
pretty much. I think they are like lawyers on opposite sides of a trial. At the end someone goes to jail an they go for drinks.
And its no coincidence that so many in public office are trained as lawyers.
The funny thing is, most lawyers are at least somewhat skillful in mediation. Althoiugh I've been surprised both ways; lawyers who love trial but show themselves to be good at handling a dispute between people, and lawyers who do a lot of out of court settlement but continue the gamesmanship when they should be working toward solution. Go figure.
And don't forget your yard could turn into a pay by the night camp sight. Of course the neighbors might be annoyed by a bunch of old guys drinking or peeing in the yard....:rofl:

I thought it would be awesome to have a nice car show going on in my hood, but it looks like it will be in Farmington another year, so I guess its off. Although if they do move it that offer will be open.